Monday, June 7, 2010

Bella Mama of the Week!

I could give this Bella Mama of the Week a 100 or so compliments, but I figure you would all be better off just reading this mini interview with Nancy Click and then you all would be giving her the same compliments without me saying a peep! Thank you Nancy Click for being a part of Bella Mama and special thanks to Logan for giving me inspiration to do "Happy and You Know It!" every time!

What do you love about being a mama? What don't I love about being a mama? There are so many gratifying moments, and I feel like Logan makes me smile at least 10 times every day. I am most proud when she exhibits the traits that I believe to be so important for mamas to teach their girls.... love - nothing in the world beats when she puts her little hands on my cheeks, smacks a kiss on my lips and declares "luv you mama"gratitude - a " thank you" out of her little mouth is one of my favorite things to hear;
respect - we are working on "no thank you" and "yes ma'am" now;
confidence - hopefully this will continue to take effect as she grows...the confidence to know that with enough hard work and commitment, she will be able to accomplish anything in life she sets her mind toIn short (which clearly I have a hard time being short-winded), what I love most is sitting beside my sweet husband and watching this girl blossom every single day.

What do you find the most challenging about being a mama?
Well, it depends on the moment. I started to say discliplining, as I am kind of a softy where this is concerned. Blaine and I are trying to find a balance of allowing her to be independant, while still disciplining when something goes wrong. I put her in time out yesterday, and told her to put her nose on the wall...literally had to walk out of the room laughing because she was obediantly pressing her little sniffer to the pink wall in her bedroom. Mid-way through answering this question, she came running up and proceeded to pee-pee on the ground, so I would also say that the potty training process is just a joke right now. Fortunately, we are on the patio, in a bathing suit, so clean-up just involved her water sprinkler. Big picture, the most challenging thing about being a mama is balancing who I was before and all that I was committed to, with who I am as a mommy, and wanting to give everything I am in this moment to being the best one possible.
Other than being a mama, what do you love to do? Is shop a good answer here? How about enjoy good wine with good friends? I also enjoy volunteering with both the League and The Tallahassee Ballet.
Why do you come to camp?
Because my lazy bum needs the exercise! And I love, love, love the fact that I can get a fabulous workout, with other fabulous mamas, while I enjoy the time with my little girl. As a working, volunteer, life-juggling mama, Bella Mama Bootie Camp is the perfect way to get a workout. And, I also love that my little girl is seeing the positive influence of taking care of yourself.
Do you have any "words of wisdom" for other mamas?
No one is a perfect mama, even those that seem to have it all together have off days. Be happy to share those not so pleasant moments with your other mama friends....sharing both the good and the bad experiences helps us all in the quest to be the best mama possible.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bella Mama of the Week

To put it lightly, I have been amazed by the mamas (and babies!) that have joined me in camp these past few months! To say these women are Super Mamas would be an understatement...How do they do it all (and then some!)? Read a little bit about each of them to find out!

Here is Bella Lauren with her sweet boy Mason!

What do you love about being a Mama? Easy, everything! I love absolutely every aspect of being Mason’s mommy and feel so blessed to have each of these precious moments.

What do you find the most challenging about being a Mama? I think that the most challenging thing about being a Mama is finding a balance between taking care of my family and making sure that I am taking care of myself as well. That is one of the best things about Bootie Camp, I can do something healthy and positive for myself without having to sacrifice time with Mason!

Why do you come to camp? I come to camp because now more than ever I want to be fit and healthy! Motherhood has brought with it a whole new lifestyle that has provided me with a prime opportunity to really push myself to be in peak condition. When I leave I feel strong, accomplished and revived both physically and mentally, which I truly believe allows me a better mindset to take care of my family. I like camp because it is different and challenging each time and when I leave I know I have had a comprehensive workout. I love that it allows me to get out of the gym and the small class sizes and one on one attention you provide each of us ensures that we are doing everything consistently and correctly, which is critical for results!

What advice do you have for any other mama?

If I could give advice to any other mama, it’s to cherish this time, remember yourself, and

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Babies Growin' Up!

Yes, It is official...Bootie Camp is not just for Babies anymore! We are growing up and changing...names to be exact! Bootie Camp is now BELLA MAMA BOOTIE CAMP. We are still offering awesome, innovative workouts for YOU with YOUR LITTLE ONE! Classes are on as usual. Monday and Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday at 9:3o a.m. Winthrop Park is our home for now and we are growing with Tally Mamas from all over with babies of all ages! COME CHECK US OUT FOR FREE your first class! for more details! COME PLAY (HARD!) with us!